Rencontres - Xenakis on Wire

Xenakis on Wire

Hardly a more challenging and exciting combination of instruments can be imagined than the one of harpsichord and percussion, where the percussive properties of the harpsichord are emphasized, while at the same time its outspoken lyrical and musical possibilities are highlighted as a contrast to the percussion.

The Greek composer Iannis Xenakis has thoroughly examined this combination of properties and his duo works form the basis of this program. The title not only refers to the French origin of these compositions, but above all to the meeting of different cultures, nationalities and generations of performers, composers, and their pieces. Arnold Marinissen comments on this program musically as a contemporary composer and percussionist with a new composition. The performance of the program is in the hands of a duo of the most prominent performers of contemporary music of their generation - Tatiana Koleva, percussion and Goska Isphording, harpsichord. Both musicians complete the program with two compositions written by them.


TATIANA KOLEVA - percussion, GOŚKA ISPHORDING - harpsichord,
Ruben Kieftenbelt - sound design / live electronics


Iannis Xenakis - Oophaa (1989)
Gośka Isphording - Four days North, three days West for harpsichord solo (2022/23)
Iannis Xenakis - Rebonds (1987-89) – remix
Arnold Marinissen - new work (2023)
Tatiana Koleva - Icicles & Rays for overdubbed vibraphone and live electronics (2023)
Iannis Xenakis - Komboi (1981)



Gośka Isphording
Instagram Ruben Kieftenbelt


This project is made possible with the generous support of:

"Was het met Oopha, een stuk uit 1989 van Xenakis, nog even aftasten voor de in Bulgarije geboren slagwerkvirtuoos Tatiana Koleva en Goska Isphording op klavecimbel, met haar eigen compositie Four Days North, Three Days West liet laatstgenoemde zien en vooral horen waarom zij tot de absolute wereldtop behoort. Gevoelige zachte klanken op verschillende frequenties, die proberen te verleiden tot communicatie. Morse vanuit het universum, welhaast een hallucinerende sound uit een klassiek instrument, versterkt en extra geaccentueerd met de sound-design van Ruben Kieftenbelt."

Review Ted Chiaradia - Ugenda
