Songs for Marimba on Tour.

A solo recital program with pieces for marimba and percussion / ratchet installation. Special guest Han Buhrs – text, voice.

Music by: Florian Magnus Maier, Corrie van Binsbergen, Keyla Orozco, Albert van Veenendaal, John Cage, Hikari Kiyama, Tom Waits / Wobbe Kuiper

‘Songs for marimba’ is the name of the new solo program of Tatiana Koleva that she developped in intense collaboration with the composers, all of them active performers as well. The spot light is on her beloved instrument – marimba. The whole setting is situated in ‘ratchet installation’ that Hikari Kiyama and Tatiana built up.

‘Songs for Marimba’ does not have to be necessarily sweet and soft only, can go any direction and songs can be whispered or cried out loud.

All pieces written or arranged for / by Tatiana Koleva
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The Second Edition of the Amsterdam Marimba Weekend will take place on 4-5-6 March 2016 in Amsterdam. Information about the guests artists, concerts, master classes schedule, application and practical details go to

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